Imagine you have a chance to walk upon this river through the bridge. What will u feel ? This is a sketch of Brantas River in East Java. You can look more for other thrilling rivers in
1. Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
2. Mahakam , East Kalimantan
3. Baritho, South kalimantan
4. Asahan River, North Sumatra
Here are Eco friendly Hotels or Resorts you can find in Indonesia :
1.Nihiwatu, Sumba Indonesia
2. Green Village , Bali
3. Misool Eco Resort, Raja Ampat Papua
To travel in Komodo Island , you need a place to stay several night
Dear travelers, some intelligence says that a thoughtful men will never forget his past. Let yourself be a wise man for your holiday . Peekone of these two places to enjoy your holiday ;)